Good God Names
Get the good God names Ideas list with Include the meaning and era, we believe that the best name can make all the difference.
Good God Name List with Means
- Aether - Meaning "upper air" or "pure, fresh air." Era: Ancient Greek mythology.
- Amara - Derived from Sanskrit, meaning "immortal." Era: Hindu mythology.
- Anansi - Meaning "spider" or "trickster." Era: West African folklore.
- Anu - Meaning "heaven" or "sky." Era: Sumerian mythology.
- Apollo - Derived from Greek, meaning "destroyer" or "god of music, light, and prophecy." Era: Ancient Greek mythology.
- Astarte - Meaning "goddess of fertility, love, and war." Era: Phoenician mythology.
- Athena - Derived from Greek, meaning "goddess of wisdom and warfare." Era: Ancient Greek mythology.
- Baldr - Meaning "god of beauty, light, and purity." Era: Norse mythology.
- Bastet - Meaning "goddess of home, fertility, and protection." Era: Ancient Egyptian mythology.
- Brigid - Derived from Celtic, meaning "goddess of fire, poetry, and wisdom." Era: Celtic mythology.
- Cernunnos - Meaning "horned god of nature, fertility, and the underworld." Era: Celtic mythology.
- Chandra - Derived from Sanskrit, meaning "moon" or "god of the moon." Era: Hindu mythology.
- Chronos - Meaning "personification of time." Era: Ancient Greek mythology.
- Dagda - Meaning "good god" or "father god." Era: Celtic mythology.
- Demeter - Derived from Greek, meaning "goddess of agriculture and fertility." Era: Ancient Greek mythology.
- Durga - Derived from Sanskrit, meaning "invincible" or "goddess of power and protection." Era: Hindu mythology.
- Enki - Meaning "god of water, wisdom, and magic." Era: Sumerian mythology.
- Ereshkigal - Meaning "queen of the underworld." Era: Sumerian mythology.
- Freyja - Meaning "goddess of love, fertility, and war." Era: Norse mythology.
- Ganesha - Derived from Sanskrit, meaning "lord of obstacles" or "remover of obstacles." Era: Hindu mythology.
- Gaia - Meaning "personification of the Earth." Era: Greek mythology.
- Hades - Meaning "god of the underworld." Era: Ancient Greek mythology.
- Hathor - Meaning "goddess of love, music, and motherhood." Era: Ancient Egyptian mythology.
- Hecate - Meaning "goddess of magic, witchcraft, and ghosts." Era: Ancient Greek mythology.
- Horus - Meaning "god of the sky and kingship." Era: Ancient Egyptian mythology.
- Indra - Derived from Sanskrit, meaning "god of thunder and rain." Era: Hindu mythology.
- Ishtar - Meaning "goddess of love, beauty, and fertility." Era: Mesopotamian mythology.
- Jupiter - Derived from Roman, meaning "god of the sky and thunder." Era: Roman mythology.
- Kali - Derived from Sanskrit, meaning "black" or "goddess of destruction and time." Era: Hindu mythology.
- Khepri - Meaning "god of creation, movement, and the sunrise." Era: Ancient Egyptian mythology.
- Krishna - Derived from Sanskrit, meaning "dark" or "blue-skinned god of love and compassion." Era: Hindu mythology.
- Kukulkan - Meaning "feathered serpent god." Era: Mayan mythology.
- Lakshmi - Derived from Sanskrit, meaning "goddess of wealth, prosperity, and fortune." Era: Hindu mythology.
- Loki - Meaning "trickster god" or "god of mischief." Era: Norse mythology.
- Morrigan - Meaning "phantom queen" or "goddess of war and fate." Era: Celtic mythology.
- Neptune - Derived from Roman, meaning "god of the sea." Era: Roman mythology.
- Njord - Meaning "god of the sea, wind, and wealth." Era: Norse mythology.
- Odin - Meaning "father of all" or "god of wisdom, war, and death." Era: Norse mythology.
- Oshun - Meaning "goddess of love, beauty, and fertility." Era: Yoruba mythology.
- Osiris - Meaning "god of the afterlife, resurrection, and fertility." Era: Ancient Egyptian mythology.
- Pan - Meaning "god of nature, wilderness, and shepherds." Era: Ancient Greek mythology.
- Parvati - Derived from Sanskrit, meaning "daughter of the mountains" or "goddess of love and power." Era: Hindu mythology.
- Poseidon - Derived from Greek, meaning "god of the sea and earthquakes." Era: Ancient Greek mythology.
- Quetzalcoatl - Meaning "feathered serpent god." Era: Aztec mythology.
- Ra - Meaning "sun god." Era: Ancient Egyptian mythology.
- Rama - Derived from Sanskrit, meaning "pleasing" or "seventh avatar of Vishnu." Era: Hindu mythology.
- Shiva - Derived from Sanskrit, meaning "auspicious one" or "destroyer and transformer god." Era: Hindu mythology.
- Sif - Meaning "goddess of fertility and harvest." Era: Norse mythology.
- Thor - Meaning "god of thunder and strength." Era: Norse mythology.
- Thoth - Meaning "god of wisdom, magic, and writing." Era: Ancient Egyptian mythology.
- Tiamat - Meaning "goddess of the ocean and chaos." Era: Mesopotamian mythology.
- Tyr - Meaning "god of law, justice, and heroic glory." Era: Norse mythology.
- Ullr - Meaning "god of archery, hunting, and skiing." Era: Norse mythology.
- Utu - Meaning "god of the sun and justice." Era: Sumerian mythology.
- Varuna - Derived from Sanskrit, meaning "god of the sky and cosmic order." Era: Hindu mythology.
- Veles - Meaning "god of the underworld, cattle, and commerce." Era: Slavic mythology.
- Vishnu - Derived from Sanskrit, meaning "all-pervading" or "preserver god." Era: Hindu mythology.
- Xochiquetzal - Meaning "goddess of fertility, beauty, and arts." Era: Aztec mythology.
- Yahweh - Derived from Hebrew, meaning "the one who is" or "supreme deity." Era: Abrahamic religions.
- Yemaya - Meaning "goddess of the sea and motherhood." Era: Yoruba mythology.
- Zeus - Derived from Greek, meaning "god of the sky and thunder." Era: Ancient Greek mythology.
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