Best God Names

Get the best God names Ideas list with Include the meaning and era, we believe that the best name can make all the difference.

Best God Name List with Means

  1. Zeus (Ancient Greek): The supreme god of the Olympians, associated with thunder and lightning.

  2. Freya (Norse): A goddess of love, beauty, and fertility in Norse mythology.

  3. Ra (Ancient Egyptian): The sun god and a symbol of life and power.

  4. Odin (Norse): The All-Father and king of the Norse gods, associated with wisdom and war.

  5. Athena (Ancient Greek): The goddess of wisdom, courage, and strategic warfare.

  6. Thor (Norse): The god of thunder and protection in Norse mythology.

  7. Anubis (Ancient Egyptian): The jackal-headed god of mummification and the afterlife.

  8. Hera (Ancient Greek): The queen of the gods, goddess of marriage and childbirth.

  9. Horus (Ancient Egyptian): The falcon-headed god of the sky and divine protector of pharaohs.

  10. Amaterasu (Japanese): The sun goddess, responsible for bringing light to the world.

  11. Loki (Norse): The trickster god, known for his mischief and cunning.

  12. Isis (Ancient Egyptian): The goddess of magic, motherhood, and fertility.

  13. Shiva (Hindu): The destroyer god, one of the principal deities in Hinduism.

  14. Persephone (Ancient Greek): The queen of the Underworld and goddess of spring growth.

  15. Ganesha (Hindu): The elephant-headed god of wisdom and new beginnings.

  16. Hephaestus (Ancient Greek): The god of blacksmiths, craftsmanship, and fire.

  17. Amun (Ancient Egyptian): The creator god and the god of the air.

  18. Artemis (Ancient Greek): The goddess of the hunt, wilderness, and childbirth.

  19. Vishnu (Hindu): The preserver god, a central figure in Hinduism.

  20. Freyr (Norse): The god of fertility, prosperity, and peace.

  21. Demeter (Ancient Greek): The goddess of agriculture, fertility, and the harvest.

  22. Rama (Hindu): An avatar of Vishnu, revered as a symbol of virtue and righteousness.

  23. Dionysus (Ancient Greek): The god of wine, ecstasy, and revelry.

  24. Kali (Hindu): The goddess of time, change, and destruction.

  25. Poseidon (Ancient Greek): The god of the sea and earthquakes.

  26. Saraswati (Hindu): The goddess of knowledge, music, and the arts.

  27. Osiris (Ancient Egyptian): The god of the afterlife, resurrection, and fertility.

  28. Baldur (Norse): The god of light, purity, and innocence.

  29. Aphrodite (Ancient Greek): The goddess of love, beauty, and desire.

  30. Krishna (Hindu): An avatar of Vishnu, known for his teachings in the Bhagavad Gita.

  31. Hades (Ancient Greek): The god of the Underworld and ruler of the dead.

  32. Brigid (Celtic): The goddess of poetry, healing, and smithcraft.

  33. Indra (Hindu): The king of gods and god of thunder and rain.

  34. Apollo (Ancient Greek): The god of music, poetry, prophecy, and healing.

  35. Sita (Hindu): The consort of Rama, symbolizing loyalty and purity.

  36. Nephthys (Ancient Egyptian): The goddess of mourning, death, and nighttime.

  37. Heimdall (Norse): The guardian of the Bifrost bridge and watchman of the gods.

  38. Brizo (Ancient Greek): The goddess of sailors and protector of ships.

  39. Agni (Hindu): The god of fire, essential for rituals and transformation.

  40. Thoth (Ancient Egyptian): The god of wisdom, writing, and magic.

  41. Frigg (Norse): The goddess of marriage, motherhood, and fate.

  42. Varuna (Hindu): The god of cosmic order and law.

  43. Hecate (Ancient Greek): The goddess of magic, crossroads, and the moon.

  44. Brahma (Hindu): The creator god, one of the principal deities in Hinduism.

  45. Chione (Ancient Greek): The goddess of snow and winter.

  46. Chandra (Hindu): The god of the moon, associated with calm and coolness.

  47. Njord (Norse): The god of the sea, wind, and prosperity.

  48. Thanatos (Greek): The personification of death and mortality.

  49. Marici (Hindu): The goddess of dawn and the rising sun.

  50. Janus (Roman): The god of beginnings, gates, transitions, and time.

  51. Kukulkan (Mayan): The feathered serpent god, associated with wind and wisdom.

  52. Brân (Celtic): The god of prophecy, associated with ravens.

  53. Yama (Hindu): The god of death and justice, guiding souls to the afterlife.

  54. Hermes (Ancient Greek): The messenger of the gods, associated with commerce and travel.

  55. Chaac (Mayan): The god of rain, agriculture, and fertility.

  56. Eros (Ancient Greek): The god of love and desire.

  57. Ceres (Roman): The goddess of agriculture, fertility, and motherly love.

  58. Thalia (Greek): The goddess of comedy, festivity, and idyllic poetry.

  59. Sobek (Ancient Egyptian): The crocodile god of the Nile, associated with fertility and protection.

  60. Atlas (Greek): The Titan god who carried the celestial spheres on his shoulders.

  61. Parvati (Hindu): The goddess of love, fertility, and devotion.

  62. Heracles (Ancient Greek): The divine hero known for his strength and bravery.

  63. Surya (Hindu): The god of the sun, associated with truth and enlightenment.

  64. Hecatoncheires (Greek): Gigantic beings with fifty heads and a hundred arms, children of Uranus and Gaia.

  65. Seshat (Ancient Egyptian): The goddess of wisdom, knowledge, and writing.

  66. Týr (Norse): The god of law, justice, and heroic glory.

  67. Durga (Hindu): The goddess of power, protection, and victory of good over evil.

  68. Bellerophon (Greek): The hero who tamed the winged horse Pegasus and defeated the Chimera.

  69. Nike (Ancient Greek): The goddess of victory and triumph.

  70. Vayu (Hindu): The god of wind, associated with life force and breath.

  71. Quetzalcoatl (Aztec): The feathered serpent god, associated with learning and civilization.

  72. Norns (Norse): The three goddesses of fate, weaving the threads of destiny.

  73. Epona (Celtic): The goddess of horses, fertility, and prosperity.

  74. Ma'at (Ancient Egyptian): The goddess of truth, justice, and cosmic order.

  75. Freyja (Norse): The goddess of love, beauty, and fertility.

  76. Vulcan (Roman): The god of fire, blacksmiths, and craftsmanship.

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