Get the good God names Ideas list with Include the meaning and era, we believe that the best name can make all the difference.
Good God Name List with Means
- Aether - Meaning "upper air" or "pure, fresh air." Era: Ancient Greek mythology.
- Amara - Derived from Sanskrit, meaning "immortal." Era: Hindu mythology.
- Anansi - Meaning "spider" or "trickster." Era: West African folklore.
- Anu - Meaning "heaven" or "sky." Era: Sumerian mythology.
- Apollo - Derived from Greek, meaning "destroyer" or "god of music, light, and prophecy." Era: Ancient Greek mythology.
- Astarte - Meaning "goddess of fertility, love, and war." Era: Phoenician mythology.
- Athena - Derived from Greek, meaning "goddess of wisdom and warfare." Era: Ancient Greek mythology.
- Baldr - Meaning "god of beauty, light, and purity." Era: Norse mythology.
- Bastet - Meaning "goddess of home, fertility, and protection." Era: Ancient Egyptian mythology.
- Brigid - Derived from Celtic, meaning "goddess of fire, poetry, and wisdom." Era: Celtic mythology.
- Cernunnos - Meaning "horned god of nature, fertility, and the underworld." Era: Celtic mythology.
- Chandra - Derived from Sanskrit, meaning "moon" or "god of the moon." Era: Hindu mythology.
- Chronos - Meaning "personification of time." Era: Ancient Greek mythology.
- Dagda - Meaning "good god" or "father god." Era: Celtic mythology.
- Demeter - Derived from Greek, meaning "goddess of agriculture and fertility." Era: Ancient Greek mythology.
- Durga - Derived from Sanskrit, meaning "invincible" or "goddess of power and protection." Era: Hindu mythology.
- Enki - Meaning "god of water, wisdom, and magic." Era: Sumerian mythology.
- Ereshkigal - Meaning "queen of the underworld." Era: Sumerian mythology.
- Freyja - Meaning "goddess of love, fertility, and war." Era: Norse mythology.
- Ganesha - Derived from Sanskrit, meaning "lord of obstacles" or "remover of obstacles." Era: Hindu mythology.
- Gaia - Meaning "personification of the Earth." Era: Greek mythology.
- Hades - Meaning "god of the underworld." Era: Ancient Greek mythology.
- Hathor - Meaning "goddess of love, music, and motherhood." Era: Ancient Egyptian mythology.
- Hecate - Meaning "goddess of magic, witchcraft, and ghosts." Era: Ancient Greek mythology.
- Horus - Meaning "god of the sky and kingship." Era: Ancient Egyptian mythology.
- Indra - Derived from Sanskrit, meaning "god of thunder and rain." Era: Hindu mythology.
- Ishtar - Meaning "goddess of love, beauty, and fertility." Era: Mesopotamian mythology.
- Jupiter - Derived from Roman, meaning "god of the sky and thunder." Era: Roman mythology.
- Kali - Derived from Sanskrit, meaning "black" or "goddess of destruction and time." Era: Hindu mythology.
- Khepri - Meaning "god of creation, movement, and the sunrise." Era: Ancient Egyptian mythology.
- Krishna - Derived from Sanskrit, meaning "dark" or "blue-skinned god of love and compassion." Era: Hindu mythology.
- Kukulkan - Meaning "feathered serpent god." Era: Mayan mythology.
- Lakshmi - Derived from Sanskrit, meaning "goddess of wealth, prosperity, and fortune." Era: Hindu mythology.
- Loki - Meaning "trickster god" or "god of mischief." Era: Norse mythology.
- Morrigan - Meaning "phantom queen" or "goddess of war and fate." Era: Celtic mythology.
- Neptune - Derived from Roman, meaning "god of the sea." Era: Roman mythology.
- Njord - Meaning "god of the sea, wind, and wealth." Era: Norse mythology.
- Odin - Meaning "father of all" or "god of wisdom, war, and death." Era: Norse mythology.
- Oshun - Meaning "goddess of love, beauty, and fertility." Era: Yoruba mythology.
- Osiris - Meaning "god of the afterlife, resurrection, and fertility." Era: Ancient Egyptian mythology.
- Pan - Meaning "god of nature, wilderness, and shepherds." Era: Ancient Greek mythology.
- Parvati - Derived from Sanskrit, meaning "daughter of the mountains" or "goddess of love and power." Era: Hindu mythology.
- Poseidon - Derived from Greek, meaning "god of the sea and earthquakes." Era: Ancient Greek mythology.
- Quetzalcoatl - Meaning "feathered serpent god." Era: Aztec mythology.
- Ra - Meaning "sun god." Era: Ancient Egyptian mythology.
- Rama - Derived from Sanskrit, meaning "pleasing" or "seventh avatar of Vishnu." Era: Hindu mythology.
- Shiva - Derived from Sanskrit, meaning "auspicious one" or "destroyer and transformer god." Era: Hindu mythology.
- Sif - Meaning "goddess of fertility and harvest." Era: Norse mythology.
- Thor - Meaning "god of thunder and strength." Era: Norse mythology.
- Thoth - Meaning "god of wisdom, magic, and writing." Era: Ancient Egyptian mythology.
- Tiamat - Meaning "goddess of the ocean and chaos." Era: Mesopotamian mythology.
- Tyr - Meaning "god of law, justice, and heroic glory." Era: Norse mythology.
- Ullr - Meaning "god of archery, hunting, and skiing." Era: Norse mythology.
- Utu - Meaning "god of the sun and justice." Era: Sumerian mythology.
- Varuna - Derived from Sanskrit, meaning "god of the sky and cosmic order." Era: Hindu mythology.
- Veles - Meaning "god of the underworld, cattle, and commerce." Era: Slavic mythology.
- Vishnu - Derived from Sanskrit, meaning "all-pervading" or "preserver god." Era: Hindu mythology.
- Xochiquetzal - Meaning "goddess of fertility, beauty, and arts." Era: Aztec mythology.
- Yahweh - Derived from Hebrew, meaning "the one who is" or "supreme deity." Era: Abrahamic religions.
- Yemaya - Meaning "goddess of the sea and motherhood." Era: Yoruba mythology.
- Zeus - Derived from Greek, meaning "god of the sky and thunder." Era: Ancient Greek mythology.
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