Get the unique God names Ideas list with Include the meaning and era, we believe that the best name can make all the difference.
Unique God Name List with Means
- Amaru (Incan - Meaning: "Snake God")
- Anahita (Persian - Meaning: "Goddess of Water")
- Aten (Ancient Egyptian - Meaning: "Solar Disk")
- Baldur (Norse - Meaning: "God of Light and Purity")
- Cernunnos (Celtic - Meaning: "Horned God")
- Chandra (Hindu - Meaning: "Moon God")
- Demeter (Greek - Meaning: "Goddess of Agriculture")
- Dianmu (Chinese - Meaning: "Goddess of Lightning")
- Enki (Sumerian - Meaning: "God of Wisdom")
- Freyja (Norse - Meaning: "Goddess of Love and Beauty")
- Ganesha (Hindu - Meaning: "God of Beginnings")
- Hathor (Ancient Egyptian - Meaning: "Goddess of Love and Joy")
- Heimdall (Norse - Meaning: "God of Guardians")
- Hera (Greek - Meaning: "Goddess of Marriage")
- Horus (Ancient Egyptian - Meaning: "God of Kingship")
- Inanna (Sumerian - Meaning: "Goddess of Love and War")
- Izanagi (Japanese - Meaning: "Male Creator God")
- Juno (Roman - Meaning: "Goddess of Marriage and Birth")
- Kali (Hindu - Meaning: "Goddess of Destruction and Time")
- Kronos (Greek - Meaning: "God of Time")
- Lakshmi (Hindu - Meaning: "Goddess of Wealth and Prosperity")
- Loki (Norse - Meaning: "Trickster God")
- Maat (Ancient Egyptian - Meaning: "Goddess of Truth and Justice")
- Marduk (Babylonian - Meaning: "God of Thunderstorms")
- Morrigan (Celtic - Meaning: "Goddess of War")
- Neith (Ancient Egyptian - Meaning: "Goddess of Hunting")
- Njord (Norse - Meaning: "God of the Sea")
- Oshun (Yoruba - Meaning: "Goddess of Love and Sensuality")
- Osiris (Ancient Egyptian - Meaning: "God of the Underworld")
- Poseidon (Greek - Meaning: "God of the Sea")
- Quetzalcoatl (Aztec - Meaning: "Feathered Serpent God")
- Rhea (Greek - Meaning: "Goddess of Fertility")
- Shiva (Hindu - Meaning: "God of Destruction and Transformation")
- Skadi (Norse - Meaning: "Goddess of Winter")
- Thor (Norse - Meaning: "God of Thunder")
- Tiamat (Babylonian - Meaning: "Goddess of Chaos")
- Ullr (Norse - Meaning: "God of Archery")
- Vishnu (Hindu - Meaning: "Preserver God")
- Xochiquetzal (Aztec - Meaning: "Goddess of Beauty")
- Yama (Hindu - Meaning: "God of Death")
- Zeus (Greek - Meaning: "God of Thunder and Lightning")
- Arianrhod (Celtic - Meaning: "Goddess of the Moon")
- Amaterasu (Japanese - Meaning: "Sun Goddess")
- Anubis (Ancient Egyptian - Meaning: "God of Embalming")
- Aphrodite (Greek - Meaning: "Goddess of Love and Beauty")
- Apollo (Greek - Meaning: "God of Sun and Light")
- Athena (Greek - Meaning: "Goddess of Wisdom and Warfare")
- Bacchus (Roman - Meaning: "God of Wine and Festivity")
- Bastet (Ancient Egyptian - Meaning: "Goddess of Home and Family")
- Brahma (Hindu - Meaning: "Creator God")
- Bragi (Norse - Meaning: "God of Poetry and Music")
- Brigid (Celtic - Meaning: "Goddess of Healing and Poetry")
- Camazotz (Mayan - Meaning: "Bat God")
- Ceres (Roman - Meaning: "Goddess of Agriculture and Harvest")
- Chaos (Greek - Meaning: "Primordial God of the Void")
- Chuang-Mu (Chinese - Meaning: "Goddess of Bedchamber")
- Chronos (Greek - Meaning: "Personification of Time")
- Dagda (Celtic - Meaning: "Father God")
- Durga (Hindu - Meaning: "Goddess of Power and Protection")
- Ereshkigal (Sumerian - Meaning: "Goddess of the Underworld")
- Eros (Greek - Meaning: "God of Love and Desire")
- Freyr (Norse - Meaning: "God of Peace and Prosperity")
- Frigg (Norse - Meaning: "Goddess of Marriage and Motherhood")
- Gaia (Greek - Meaning: "Goddess of the Earth")
- Ganymede (Greek - Meaning: "God of Youth and Homosexuality")
- Hades (Greek - Meaning: "God of the Underworld")
- Hecate (Greek - Meaning: "Goddess of Magic and Crossroads")
- Hestia (Greek - Meaning: "Goddess of the Hearth")
- Isis (Ancient Egyptian - Meaning: "Goddess of Magic and Fertility")
- Kukulkan (Mayan - Meaning: "Feathered Serpent God")
- Leto (Greek - Meaning: "Goddess of Motherhood")
- Lugh (Celtic - Meaning: "God of Light and Harvest")
- Macha (Celtic - Meaning: "Goddess of War and Sovereignty")
- Manannan (Celtic - Meaning: "God of the Sea and Guardianship")
- Mithras (Persian - Meaning: "God of Contracts and Oaths")
- MorrĂgan (Irish - Meaning: "Goddess of Battle and Fate")
- Nyx (Greek - Meaning: "Goddess of the Night")
- Odin (Norse - Meaning: "Chief God and Allfather")
- Ogun (Yoruba - Meaning: "God of Iron and War")
- Persephone (Greek - Meaning: "Goddess of the Underworld and Springtime")
- Quirinus (Roman - Meaning: "God of War and Fertility")
- Ra (Ancient Egyptian - Meaning: "God of the Sun")
- Rhiannon (Celtic - Meaning: "Goddess of the Moon and Birds")
- Saraswati (Hindu - Meaning: "Goddess of Knowledge and Arts")
- Sekhmet (Ancient Egyptian - Meaning: "Goddess of War and Healing")
- Set (Ancient Egyptian - Meaning: "God of Chaos and Desert")
- Shamash (Mesopotamian - Meaning: "Sun God and Judge of Heaven and Earth")
- Sobek (Ancient Egyptian - Meaning: "Crocodile God")
- Sol (Norse - Meaning: "Goddess of the Sun")
- Tefnut (Ancient Egyptian - Meaning: "Goddess of Moisture and Rain")
- Thoth (Ancient Egyptian - Meaning: "God of Wisdom and Writing")
- Tyr (Norse - Meaning: "God of Law and Justice")
- Utu (Sumerian - Meaning: "God of the Sun and Justice")
- Varuna (Hindu - Meaning: "God of Cosmic Order and Water")
- Wotan (Germanic - Meaning: "God of Wisdom and Poetry")
- Xolotl (Aztec - Meaning: "God of Lightning and Death")
- Yarilo (Slavic - Meaning: "God of Fertility and Spring")
- Yemoja (Yoruba - Meaning: "Goddess of the Ocean and Motherhood")
- Ymir (Norse - Meaning: "Primordial Giant and Father of the Gods")
- Zorya (Slavic - Meaning: "Goddess of the Dawn")
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