Unique God Names

Get the unique God names Ideas list with Include the meaning and era, we believe that the best name can make all the difference.

Unique God Name List with Means

  1. Amaru (Incan - Meaning: "Snake God")

  2. Anahita (Persian - Meaning: "Goddess of Water")

  3. Aten (Ancient Egyptian - Meaning: "Solar Disk")

  4. Baldur (Norse - Meaning: "God of Light and Purity")

  5. Cernunnos (Celtic - Meaning: "Horned God")

  6. Chandra (Hindu - Meaning: "Moon God")

  7. Demeter (Greek - Meaning: "Goddess of Agriculture")

  8. Dianmu (Chinese - Meaning: "Goddess of Lightning")

  9. Enki (Sumerian - Meaning: "God of Wisdom")

  10. Freyja (Norse - Meaning: "Goddess of Love and Beauty")

  11. Ganesha (Hindu - Meaning: "God of Beginnings")

  12. Hathor (Ancient Egyptian - Meaning: "Goddess of Love and Joy")

  13. Heimdall (Norse - Meaning: "God of Guardians")

  14. Hera (Greek - Meaning: "Goddess of Marriage")

  15. Horus (Ancient Egyptian - Meaning: "God of Kingship")

  16. Inanna (Sumerian - Meaning: "Goddess of Love and War")

  17. Izanagi (Japanese - Meaning: "Male Creator God")

  18. Juno (Roman - Meaning: "Goddess of Marriage and Birth")

  19. Kali (Hindu - Meaning: "Goddess of Destruction and Time")

  20. Kronos (Greek - Meaning: "God of Time")

  21. Lakshmi (Hindu - Meaning: "Goddess of Wealth and Prosperity")

  22. Loki (Norse - Meaning: "Trickster God")

  23. Maat (Ancient Egyptian - Meaning: "Goddess of Truth and Justice")

  24. Marduk (Babylonian - Meaning: "God of Thunderstorms")

  25. Morrigan (Celtic - Meaning: "Goddess of War")

  26. Neith (Ancient Egyptian - Meaning: "Goddess of Hunting")

  27. Njord (Norse - Meaning: "God of the Sea")

  28. Oshun (Yoruba - Meaning: "Goddess of Love and Sensuality")

  29. Osiris (Ancient Egyptian - Meaning: "God of the Underworld")

  30. Poseidon (Greek - Meaning: "God of the Sea")

  31. Quetzalcoatl (Aztec - Meaning: "Feathered Serpent God")

  32. Rhea (Greek - Meaning: "Goddess of Fertility")

  33. Shiva (Hindu - Meaning: "God of Destruction and Transformation")

  34. Skadi (Norse - Meaning: "Goddess of Winter")

  35. Thor (Norse - Meaning: "God of Thunder")

  36. Tiamat (Babylonian - Meaning: "Goddess of Chaos")

  37. Ullr (Norse - Meaning: "God of Archery")

  38. Vishnu (Hindu - Meaning: "Preserver God")

  39. Xochiquetzal (Aztec - Meaning: "Goddess of Beauty")

  40. Yama (Hindu - Meaning: "God of Death")

  41. Zeus (Greek - Meaning: "God of Thunder and Lightning")

  42. Arianrhod (Celtic - Meaning: "Goddess of the Moon")

  43. Amaterasu (Japanese - Meaning: "Sun Goddess")

  44. Anubis (Ancient Egyptian - Meaning: "God of Embalming")

  45. Aphrodite (Greek - Meaning: "Goddess of Love and Beauty")

  46. Apollo (Greek - Meaning: "God of Sun and Light")

  47. Athena (Greek - Meaning: "Goddess of Wisdom and Warfare")

  48. Bacchus (Roman - Meaning: "God of Wine and Festivity")

  49. Bastet (Ancient Egyptian - Meaning: "Goddess of Home and Family")

  50. Brahma (Hindu - Meaning: "Creator God")

  51. Bragi (Norse - Meaning: "God of Poetry and Music")

  52. Brigid (Celtic - Meaning: "Goddess of Healing and Poetry")

  53. Camazotz (Mayan - Meaning: "Bat God")

  54. Ceres (Roman - Meaning: "Goddess of Agriculture and Harvest")

  55. Chaos (Greek - Meaning: "Primordial God of the Void")

  56. Chuang-Mu (Chinese - Meaning: "Goddess of Bedchamber")

  57. Chronos (Greek - Meaning: "Personification of Time")

  58. Dagda (Celtic - Meaning: "Father God")

  59. Durga (Hindu - Meaning: "Goddess of Power and Protection")

  60. Ereshkigal (Sumerian - Meaning: "Goddess of the Underworld")

  61. Eros (Greek - Meaning: "God of Love and Desire")

  62. Freyr (Norse - Meaning: "God of Peace and Prosperity")

  63. Frigg (Norse - Meaning: "Goddess of Marriage and Motherhood")

  64. Gaia (Greek - Meaning: "Goddess of the Earth")

  65. Ganymede (Greek - Meaning: "God of Youth and Homosexuality")

  66. Hades (Greek - Meaning: "God of the Underworld")

  67. Hecate (Greek - Meaning: "Goddess of Magic and Crossroads")

  68. Hestia (Greek - Meaning: "Goddess of the Hearth")

  69. Isis (Ancient Egyptian - Meaning: "Goddess of Magic and Fertility")

  70. Kukulkan (Mayan - Meaning: "Feathered Serpent God")

  71. Leto (Greek - Meaning: "Goddess of Motherhood")

  72. Lugh (Celtic - Meaning: "God of Light and Harvest")

  73. Macha (Celtic - Meaning: "Goddess of War and Sovereignty")

  74. Manannan (Celtic - Meaning: "God of the Sea and Guardianship")

  75. Mithras (Persian - Meaning: "God of Contracts and Oaths")

  76. MorrĂ­gan (Irish - Meaning: "Goddess of Battle and Fate")

  77. Nyx (Greek - Meaning: "Goddess of the Night")

  78. Odin (Norse - Meaning: "Chief God and Allfather")

  79. Ogun (Yoruba - Meaning: "God of Iron and War")

  80. Persephone (Greek - Meaning: "Goddess of the Underworld and Springtime")

  81. Quirinus (Roman - Meaning: "God of War and Fertility")

  82. Ra (Ancient Egyptian - Meaning: "God of the Sun")

  83. Rhiannon (Celtic - Meaning: "Goddess of the Moon and Birds")

  84. Saraswati (Hindu - Meaning: "Goddess of Knowledge and Arts")

  85. Sekhmet (Ancient Egyptian - Meaning: "Goddess of War and Healing")

  86. Set (Ancient Egyptian - Meaning: "God of Chaos and Desert")

  87. Shamash (Mesopotamian - Meaning: "Sun God and Judge of Heaven and Earth")

  88. Sobek (Ancient Egyptian - Meaning: "Crocodile God")

  89. Sol (Norse - Meaning: "Goddess of the Sun")

  90. Tefnut (Ancient Egyptian - Meaning: "Goddess of Moisture and Rain")

  91. Thoth (Ancient Egyptian - Meaning: "God of Wisdom and Writing")

  92. Tyr (Norse - Meaning: "God of Law and Justice")

  93. Utu (Sumerian - Meaning: "God of the Sun and Justice")

  94. Varuna (Hindu - Meaning: "God of Cosmic Order and Water")

  95. Wotan (Germanic - Meaning: "God of Wisdom and Poetry")

  96. Xolotl (Aztec - Meaning: "God of Lightning and Death")

  97. Yarilo (Slavic - Meaning: "God of Fertility and Spring")

  98. Yemoja (Yoruba - Meaning: "Goddess of the Ocean and Motherhood")

  99. Ymir (Norse - Meaning: "Primordial Giant and Father of the Gods")

  100. Zorya (Slavic - Meaning: "Goddess of the Dawn")

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